check it out… It’s on the stove….
I’m going but nobody has to see me
I’m invisible, I’m quiet
I’m on my tiptoes
I’m putting my nose
I’m putting my tongue in
I don’t need a spoon
I never need a spoon
I’m tall enough to reach the pot
on the stove
I’m tall enough to put my nose
in the pot
actually… my tongue
actually my whole mouth
I don’t like spoons…. you know
I don’t like forks and plates and glasses
I am a natural
food tastes better in the pot
but now… now
something strange is happening
I can’t reach it
I can’t leak it
I can’t smell it
where is it?
what is it?
O..O..O… my mom is coming!
pst…pst… I’m not here
you can’t hear me….
you can’t see me….
“Gabi! Put your food on a plate please!”
Never mind
Don’t like it…..anyway…
too green
“But spinach is always green, Gabi”
don’t want …too green..